Design Council Impact Framework

Having supported the Design Council (DC) for a number of years with monitoring and evaluation on individual programmes, we were thrilled to collaborate with the team again to consolidate this work by designing an overarching impact framework and toolkit to support evaluation across the organisation.
The framework has been developed to help DC to:
* stay focused on their mission;
* check they are meeting their objectives both at a project and organisation wide-level;
* enable reflection and iteration so that programme design and working practice can improve; and
* encourage a culture of reflection, individual and organisational learning.
Working with our in-house ethics expert Rosemary Lamport, we developed an overall impact framework for the organisation which clearly defines charity wide outputs and outcomes, alongside a set of flexible tools and methods that can be adapted to include project specific measures too.
The tool-kit includes:
1. A logic model to link DC wide and project specific outputs and outcomes to indicators and M&E methods;
2. An M&E spreadsheet to keep track of all M&E data in one central place and define who owns it;
3. An ethics check-list and consent form to ensure all evaluation in honest, rigorous and transparent, and that participants are protected;
4. A diversity monitoring form to ensure that DC work is shaped by, and of benefit to people who bring diverse viewpoints, life experience and expertise;
5. A set of participatory evaluation tools, survey and interview guide to gather feedback from participants in DC programmes to understand the impact and value of their involvement;
6. A dissemination spreadsheet to gather and store data on web analytics and citations; and
7. A template for a wash-up session to gather feedback from staff, clients and collaborators.
A big thank you to Irene HÃ¥kansson and Bernard Hay for bringing us in.
Please do get in touch if you are interested in developing something similar for your organisations.